From Hill Country News, August 13, 2008...
The Leander City Council saw one of its more action-packed agendas for last week's regularly-scheduled meeting, and it led to a night of citizens' complaints, bickering between council members and one particular teary-eyed moment.
The Leander City Council saw one of its more action-packed agendas for last week's regularly-scheduled meeting, and it led to a night of citizens' complaints, bickering between council members and one particular teary-eyed moment.
The council passed a hefty increase in the water rate, set the dates for the public hearings on the 2008-09 budget, talked about next year's residential tax rate and named a stretch of road after a former land owner who passed away in November.
The water rate will increase 21.3 percent over the next three years. Council voted 6-1 to increase it. The dissenting vote was cast by Place 3 councilmember John Perez, who expressed concerns about senior citizens who will not be given a discount.
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