From Hill Country News, May 21, 2009...
"They'll have a candidate forum on May 26 at 7 p.m. at Pat Bryson Hall, but with a new twist. Unlike the traditional forums in the past, this one will have more open debate between the candidates. And the first eight questions of the night will be written by each other's opponents.
Each group will formulate their own questions to ask the other group. For example: a question formulated from the Iris Davis group will be asked to John Cowman, who will have three minutes to answer. Then, Davis will have one minute to rebut his answer. Each candidate will have a question to answer and an answer to rebut. There will be questions from the audience as well as opening and closing comments. As another new addition to the forum, the moderator will have the opportunity to redirect a question or ask an opponent to explain further on a topic."
[RCA] Hmmmmm... all of the challengers opt out of a debate with the incumbents! Is it perhaps because they felt they would not be able to make a good showing in such a forum? Is their slience golden, or just an indication of nothing to say?
I believe this is just indicative of the lack of insight into the city's issues which is generally exhibited by the city council challengers. One challenger was recently heard to ask when the city council has its meetings. When told, he replied, "I guess I better go attend one of those meetings so I'll know what's going on."
Actually, you have one POV, which is acceptable. However, another POV is that the HCN seems to be only reporting the GOOD things the incumbents have to say, and the NEGATIVE things the opponents have to say. That is not Fair & Balanced. Why would anyone want to participate when things are reportedly misconstrued, much like the incumbents are? And trying to pull business to Leander, and then opening a business in another city? That's a sign of how much they are trying to promote Leander....
(MBC) That is a good point, but let's be positive about Leander's future. The current City Council has done a fair job, and has set the pace. Now we need someone, a leader, who is in it for the city and residents of Leander. The old administration lacks a few things, and they all support each other. We need some balance on the City Council, and a way to have representation from 2 different sides.
Currently the City Council (except for 1) agree's on everything. What happened to debate? What happened to looking at things from 2 or more different sides? Where are the scales & balances?
That is right - there is none.
At the last forum, when a candidate was asked "what happens to all of the bond money that has not been spent" he stuttered, laughed, and said "it's on the website". He could not produce this information from the website - because it is NOT on the website. Of course, he didn't answer the question.
I believe we need change in our City Council. This is one persons POV, but is reflective of the many new residents in Leander.
People, the thing to do is be heard. Get out and vote! You might have one belief or another, but it does no good to have beliefs unless you participate and vote. Otherwise you have nothing to complain about.
Just always remember there is more than 2 sides to every story. You can pick and choose which side you want to believe. Or you can listen to both sides with open ears and decide for yourself.
You're right on the money. The fact that they "opted" out at the last minute giving such lame excuses tells it all. Thank goodness they showed themselves. Changing directions to go backwards and repeat history is way out of touch with reality.
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