Monday, March 23, 2009

City Council News - March 2009

From Impact News, March 20, 2009...

Cedar Park

Apartment ire

The applicants for two apartment projects withdrew proposals after criticism from residents who live in a subdivision adjacent to those sites. Residents of the Red Oaks subdivision expressed their disapproval of zoning changes that would have allowed tracts near their neighborhood to be used for apartments...

Cedar Park Center update

Council heard a report from Rick McLaughlin, general manager of the Texas Stars, which will begin playing hockey at the Cedar Park Center this fall...


Pay the mayor

During citizens’ comments, local landowner Joseph Greene asked the council to consider finding a place in the budget to pay the next mayor a salary...

TOD zoning

Council members approved an amendment to the transit-oriented development’s Transect Map and Pedestrian Sheds Illustration that will allow for a multistory building and vertical parking structure...

Industrial zoning change denied

Council denied a request to change the zoning for properties on Leander Drive. The changes would have increased the amount of equipment that could be stored on the properties and raised the height restrictions...

Art tabled

Nominations for Leander’s public arts committee were tabled for a month to allow council members to locate nominees...

Gravel parking OK

The council withdrew changes it made last summer to Ordinance No. 08-009-00 regulating vehicle parking. Numerous citizens complained they had been ticketed for parking in front of their homes on unpaved drives. The council plans to re-evaluate the parking ordinance...


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